Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Art Club

A lot of the time during programs, the tweens will ask me to take out additional art supplies. They’ll ask for paint during a bracelet-making class, or yarn during a duct tape workshop. Every other week, I’ve been hosting an art club. In each session, I randomly grab  six or seven types of materials, and let the tweens make whatever the want. I usually include yarn and knitting needles, as many of our patrons like to knit. I also leave out recyclable materials like cardboard tubes and plastic tubs.
Last week, I set out paint (after weeks of requests), and it was a huge mess. Everyone had a great time, and the program kept their attention for a solid hour and a half, but clean-up was pretty extensive and we used a ton of paint.

If I use paint again, I’ll squirt it into bowls for them, to limit the amount they have access to. In the meantime, favorite materials are pipe cleaners, buttons/beads, yarn, and drawing paper with colored pencils.

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