Saturday, February 15, 2014

Life Size Pictionary

I love it when programs don't cost any money! We have a double-sided white board and lots of new dry erase markers. What better way to celebrate than with giant Pictionary?

We are currently planning a party celebrating 'big games' and I think we'll be using this one! Tweens broke into teams and rotated who the drawer would be. The other team members sat behind the drawer and tried to guess the phrase.

Initially, I'd written book-themed prompts, but the concepts proved to be too abstract. Single words seemed too easy, so I wrote out (mostly food themed) pairings like ham & cheese, peas & carrots, peanut butter & jelly, etc.
We played 'first to five' and then continued to play as time allowed. I switched up the teams every few rounds to keep things fair. This was a great rainy day activity with minimal setup/cleanup, no cost, and hardly any supplies. If we didn't have the white board, I would just use butcher paper or chart paper. I can't wait to play it again!

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