Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mother's Day Flowers and Vase

I love this craft and will do it again! Tissue paper flowers in a decorated glass vase made a great Mother’s Day project for the teens. Materials-wise, all we needed was tissue paper, a stapler, green pipe cleaners, glass paint, and plain glass jars or vases from the Dollar Store.You could also use Mod Podge to decorate the vase.

Tissue paper flowers are super-simple to make: Grab a couple squares in various colors and arrange them in a stack. Pleat the paper, accordion style, with each fold about one inch across. Place a staple in the middle of your folded paper. Then tease the layers out from either side of the staple to create the petals. You can wrap a pipe cleaner around the base for a stem, and you’re done! Experiment with different sizes of tissue paper—the smaller the squares, the tighter the petals.
You can get as simple or creative with the vase as you want. Some kids covered their vases in goopy paint; others traced outlines or wrote messages using a glass marker.

I originally hosted this for teens, but I plan to do this program again this year for the tweens. I’ve even done tissue paper flowers with my Sunday School class (ages 2-7). Obviously the toddlers weren’t as in to it, but the older children really loved it, and always begged to make flowers.

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