This seemed really simple at the time, but I’m glad I tested it out
before unleashing the teens on their supplies. The basic idea of the
craft is to cut up old CDs and glue the pieces onto a Styrofoam ball.
I’ve seen them done before and they’re very pretty. I had two major
issues with this project:
1) Have you ever tried to cut up a CD? It’s HARD. I broke a pair of
scissors and my hands were sore for about two days afterwards. Sometimes
as I was cutting, the little shards would skitter across the room. It
was dangerous! So I spent about two days pre-cutting the CDs. If I’d had
the teens do their own cutting, we’d have been there all day (and we’d
probably have a lawsuit).
When cutting your shards, try to make them as uniform and small as
possible. Some of the pieces were too big, and the end product looked
very un-ball like. It actually looked like a weapon.
Here’s where my second gripe comes in: The glue. This is not a
project I’d host for tweens because we had to rely heavily on hot glue.
Of course, if I had a set group of crafty tweens who could handle a
glue-gun, I might reconsider. However, everyone pretty much needs their
own glue gun. It’s not like with some projects, where they can work on
their projects and then see me for a dollop of hot glue from a gun I
control. (I swear I’m not a control freak…)
The teens had a fun time doing it, but it was time consuming, messy,
and a little bit frustrating for them when they couldn’t find the
right-sized pieces to fill in gaps between the shards. I really like the
recycling aspect of this craft, but in the future I would consider
buying pre-cut mirror mosiacs.
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