Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Candy Crush Party

Normally, a party centered around candy is something I'd like to avoid. But in the spirit of being stuck inside in February, and being too young for 'romantic' Valentine's Day programs, me and the tweens had a Candy Crush Party.

We have several laptops available, so before the program, I turned on all the computers and went to the King website. Most of the kids are too young for Facebook accounts, or email addresses, so I created a bunch of dummy Gmail accounts and logged into the PC version of the game through a browser. Make sure to do this well before the program! In my case, some of the computers didn't have the right version of Flash, so I had to update them.

 We played Candy Crush for a solid hour. Some participants had never played before, but others were seasoned pros. After an hour of sitting still and eating sugar, the energy levels were through the roof. We finished off the program by having a dance party. I was amazed to see everyone dancing full force for a good twenty minutes.

Cost for the program: $2 for candy from the Dollar Tree. I liked this program, because we chatted as they were playing the game, and I got to know a lot of kids I've only ever seen in passing. It also brought a couple different groups together--candy is great common ground!

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